second issue of Dark Empire picks up on the fifth moon of Da Soocha,
where the Rebels/New Republic have regrouped their forces. Someone is
pulling together and consolidating the Imperial remnants in the
Galactic Core, and they're not sure who or what is behind it, but a
massive war fleet is on the move, and they're equipped with massive
ships called World Devastators.
a new kind of super weapon designed to destroy planets, but slowly.
World Devastators work by consuming matter and planetary mass and
converting the raw materials into new war materiel (usually automated
by droids) that the Empire can release in battle. A large Imperial
fleet with several of these warships included is currently attacking
Admiral Ackbar's homeworld of Mon Calamari. Lando & Wedge prepare
to lead a force to confront them.
Leia worries terribly about where Luke is, and has serious doubts
about letting him go off like that.
right to doubt. Luke and Artoo are imprisoned and taken to the Deep
Core world of Byss, a planet soaked in the Dark Side of the Force.
Here, in this stronghold, Luke is confronted by the mastermind of
this resurgent Empire, none other than Emperor Palpatine himself in a
cloned body.
Palpatine reveal is a huge bombshell, but really isn't all that
surprising. Bringing him back after his very definitive death in
Return of the Jedi is,
but the story justifies itself. He's so powerful in Dark Side
abilities that he's able to transfer his essence from one body to
another to prolong his life. He he was able to do that from the
reactor shaft of the Death Star to Byss is a simple matter of
SHUTUPTHAT'SNOTIMPORTANT. (Its kind of a plot hole, but its a cool
scene nonetheless).
deciding to challenge the Emperor and the Dark Side itself from
within, kneels before Palpatine. The issue's light on action, but
heavy on reveals.
Would you look at that. Not-Porgs
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